‘Beauty Care’ came into the spotlight recently. There is a’Baby face’ trend in the beauty care industry.
There are lots of people, who dream to have an elastic skin and slim V-line.
Of course it is really natural to have wrinkles and loose skin elasticity as time goes by, it is also natural to look young even though people are getting old.
The reason why there are many methods to keep their youth is because the atmosphere of our society would take an important role. Especially people, who want to get a certain change in their appearance, choose an anti-aging procedure such as a V-line lifting.
V-line lifting enables you to get an immediate appearance change compared with anti-aging foods, cosmetics or exercise. It is called ‘Baby face plastic surgery’ or ‘Baby face lifting’. Women from 20s to over 50s look for the surgery for a variety of reasons, rather than it’s preferred by a specific age group.
A Specialist from The Line Plastic Surgery said “Women in 20s and 30s choose the surgery to prevent aging from its beginning and 40s to 50s choose to improve their advanced aging. Power V, which pulls sagging skins to suit the facial outline, is suitable for less wrinkled skins. On the other hand, the skin, which many wrinkles already appear, is suitable to have Ten Lifting to improve or remove wrinkles.”
The Power-V is the method to trim soft tissues of the face and removes buccal fat or double chin. It helps to improve a bumpy facial outline having liposuction of excess fat on the face, and elastically pulls sagging skin fitting on the facial outline. It doesn’t simply suck the fat out of the face, but has lifting effect at the same time. In addition, this V-line lifting procedure removes the actual fat out of the face, so we expect semi-permanent effectiveness.
The Ten Lifting is a procedure to raise and pull the wrinkled skin using threads. This is a non-surgical procedure such as a face lift surgery, which makes an incision and then sutures the skin. It is also possible to be customize the procedure age-wise about improving or removing wrinkles around the brow and the forehead, chin and around the eyes, neck and nasolabial fold.
The most important thing during these lifting procedures is to increase the accuracy and safety through a three-dimensional and scientific check of soft tissues such as the state and amount of fat and muscle.
Specialists also say: “There are soft tissues such as muscle and nerves, which affects wrinkles and look on the face. Through ultrasound diagnostics, we need to grasp accurately the soft tissue, and then the safe procedure is possible. You should choose an experienced clinic which has medical specialists and high-tech equipment”