Summer has returned and it is time to start dieting all over again, keep your skin moisturized and stay in shape. You will be excited to see how fast you will end up with not only a flatter stomach but also well toned arms and thighs. However you may feel a sense of frustration when you think of this part…breast.
There are many women who are frustrated with small breast size after going on a diet. It is more of a concern for those who have a flat chest by nature and it becomes even flatter after a diet. Many seek answers in Breast Surgery so they too can be confident with their overall appearance.
This surgery is selected by many women so they can increase the volume of their breast without wearing padded bras. These days, natural shaped breast surgery, Tear drop surgery, and breast augmentation surgery has also increased.
Of course, there are still many people who consider breast surgery as an option but one of the main reasons they cannot decide it easily is because of the side-effects and pain after the surgery.
Dr. Shin, InSeok from The Line Plastic Surgery said “During consultation, people ask about post-operative pain, recovery process, and side-effects as much as their breast size and shape”, “These days, how to ease pain and how to recover fast are important things when patients choose whether they go for surgery.”
Recently, a lot of clinics perform surgery reflecting patients’ worries and concerns. And they introduce the ways to reduce pain and recovery time along with an organized breast surgery system to make their patients get back to their daily life as soon as possible.
Micro-detachment method by cutting-edge endoscope introduced in Tear drop surgery enables you to incise necessary parts only such as under the arm or inframammary fold so that pain and bleeding is reduced. As bleeding is relatively light, it can prevent capsular contracture which capsular is overly formed around the prosthesis and feeling of breasts becomes hard.
The recovery period is foreshortened, too. Painless breast surgery system doesn’t need hospitalization and patients can leave the clinic only a few hours after the surgery. It helps you return to your daily life soon without any problem.
Dr. Shin, InSeok said “For more accurate and safer surgery, you need to check your breast tissue and its condition with 3D ultrasound scan”, “You should check and analyze your breast state such as breast structure, chest tissue and whether you have breast cancer. It reduces side-effects and pain and it also leads to fast recovery.”