Chanel line is originated from a new design published in 1920 by Ms. Chanel. It’s a new style of skirt which is quite short and low waistline compared to the previous long and curved one. It displays a functionalism well with a fine aesthetic sense, and has become a popular skirt length for everyone, plus being loved by women the world over. In modern times, skirt length has become a short, and the concept of Chanel line has been more popular as well. Chanel line liposuction is inspired by Ms. Chanel’s spirit pursuing beauty, and boasting a beautiful figure of gently exposed knee.
If you have bulging fat on the inside of the knees, it’s very difficult to have smooth and straight legs even you wear an above-the-knee skirt or a skirt covering the knee. This is what we call Chanel line liposuction in Korea removing the fat selectively without scars. This magical Chanel line liposuction surgery on the knees is by advanced Wet technique and Silent Scar system which makes an incision on the belly button to make invisible scars. Having a belly button scar is possible for thighs but not for all the cases of channel line. Example Knee Liposuction before after images.
Advanced techniques of 2-3mm minimal invasive incision to the navel (without knee incision) enable all knee liposuction (from inner/outer part to upper line) using the cannula made from The Line’s body contouring center. The Knee Liposuction before After are demonstrated down below.