As we enterinto an ageing society,‘Beauty care’ and health care get more attention than before. The elderly’s economic activities and desires for younger looks increase together and people are more caring about their appearances and investing in them.
‘Baby face’ is a beauty trend of these days and people who have tight and smooth skin with a V-line shape is envied by many other people. Of course, you cannot go against the flow of aging processlike wrinkles and sagging. But there are various methods coming up to delay this process. Anti-aging procedures such as V-line lifting is one of them.
The V-line lifting procedure is a way to see an immediate change compared with anti-aging foods, cosmetics, and exercise. Not only the 40-50’s who want to improve their looks but already are in the aging process, but the 20-30’s women are also looking for it a lot to prevent the aging.
Dr. Jung,YooSuk from the Lifting & Anti-aging Center of The Line Plastic surgery said “Tight skin without wrinkles and a slender jaw line without sagging are the conditions to achieve a baby face. You should undergo a lifting procedure such as Power V Contouring or Ten Lifting, which would suit your facial state.”
For the 20-30’s woman at an early sate of wrinkles, Power V Contouring which lifts sagging skinmoderately is recommended. This procedure makes the excess fat in the cheeks and double jaw removed and facial soft tissues trimmed. It is effective for double jaw, sagging cheeks, smile lines and for an improvement of facial outline and over-removed facial fat.
If you already have wrinkles or you are in the aging process like the 40-50’s, thread lifting without invasive surgery such as face lift that incise and suture the skin. Ten Lifting using threads, enables you to have the wrinkles on the forehead, chin line, eye rims, neck and smile lines removed, selectively by part, and it is also possible to customize the procedure by age group. It lifts the sagging skin up, improves skin elasticity and skin tone, and shows the effects of collagen remodeling, whitening, skin regeneration, and V-line shapes.
Dr. Jung,YooSuk said “In case of the face, there are soft tissues such as nerves and muscles that affect facial expressions and wrinkles. It is necessary to identify those soft tissues through ultrasound scanning for a safe procedure without side effects. Through a complete consultation with an experienced doctor in this procedure, you should select an appropriate procedure that suits you.”