After the surgery i didn’t felt much pain in my abdomen and I was feeling like I would be able to get the slim body I always desired. I also had some friends who had liposuction but they felt a lot of sickness after the surgery. During the recovery period of my surgery at first I felt a little bit sick but after sometime I felt much better and I went out to see the surroundings with a map in my hand. It has been a week now I was still wearing the compression garments and the hospital gave me some post-operative care file so I was recovering much faster.
It has been a month after my abdomen liposuction. I had a much pounded abdomen which occurs the tissues are entangled with each other during the recovery period. So i went up a follow up and check up and the doctors took really good care of mine.
It has been three months after the liposuction. Now I can finally see the S line shape in my body which i always dreamed of. Before the surgery my abdomen was not in the perfect shape and there was a layer of fat in my abdomen which was causing my S line body to hide inside and didn’t had the confidence to show my body as I do now.
Now I can wear tight dress without any worry. Now I can exercise without feeling any pain at all. It look some time to finally see the result of the surgery but the recovery was very quick and I finally got the resilient abdomen I wished I always had. I went for a follow up examination in the hospital and I was also allowed to do heavy jogging exercise. The recovery has been getting better and better ever since and I felt like I have recovered completely. I don’t have any soreness in my abdomen or any pain. And I finally had the confidence to wear a bikini without worrying about the tight one piece.
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