Ten Lifting Treatment For younger Looking Skin

Ten Lifting Treatment For younger Looking Skin

It is an inevitable truth that with time people’s age will increase and with that people will start having skin problems, saggy skin, wrinkles, and sun damage. It makes face look droopy and tired. In order to reduce showing of signs of aging now a day’s people seek different options for anti aging treatment. But for every patient surgical facelift doesn’t work. It can be due to age or medical complications. That’s when non surgical face-lifting such as ten lifting comes as a problem solver.

How Ten Lifting helps?

Ten lifting is a combination of smart lifting and double chin liposuction. Smart lifting helps tighten the skin and double chin liposuction helps reduce fat in the lower jaw. This is the fat which contributes in making your skin look saggier than it already is.

Ten lifting improves the overall appearance of the face by increasing skin elasticity, improving wrinkles and fine lines near the forehead and cheeks which are crucial in facial appearance. It also removes fat from jaw line which helps patients get a V shape face.

Ten lifting will help the skin get a tighter appearance on the face, Improve skin tone, smoothen skin, repair sun damage, wrinkle fill up, Help with rejuvenating tired and dull skin and will ultimately give you a youthful and fresh look.

Recovery from Ten Lifting

As Ten Lifting is a non surgical facelift its recovery is quite fast. As the procedure doesn’t require stitches there will be no scar and almost no recovery time. As the procedure is non surgical there will be no swelling or bleeding.

What to expect after Procedure?

After the procedure patient will see instant noticeable change in her skin. Skin will start to produce more cologne which is needed for making skin look younger and glowing.

How long will the result last?

As Ten Lifting is non surgical face lifting procedure its affects lasts from between 9 months to 18 months. Based on how well the patient maintains their skin and precautions it can last for 2 years.

Before and After

Calf Reduction For Achieving Slimmer calves

Calf Reduction For Achieving Slimmer calves

Now a day’s many men and women try to modify themselves as they don’t like their appearance. So they go for plastic surgery procedures. Among the many different procedures calf reduction is one of the most demanded procedures in calf reduction.

Why consider calf reduction:

Now a day’s many men and women wants to show their legs. But some of them may have bulky and masculine calves. Due to that they might lose confidence to wear short skirts, short pants, tight jeans, or wear high heels as it looks really bad.

Besides of the aesthetics problems having big calf may cause pain in the calf. Even with exercise and diet big calf doesn’t go away. These are some of the reasons people consider having calf reduction.

What are the options?

There are many different options for calf reduction. Based on patients condition doctors may suggest procedure suitable for them. Among different procedures some mostly used procedures are as follow:

  1. Calf liposuction: Calf liposuction is performed when the main reason of bulky calf is the fat beneath the tissues of the calf. By doing calf liposuction doctors suck out fat and makes the calf look slimmer again.
  2. Calf Botox: It is one of the most used non surgical calf reduction procedure for calf reduction. In this procedure doctor injects Botox to stop muscle from contracting. Its affect lasts up to 6 months to a year.  Botox is Non surgical treatment which is semi permanent but if patient maintain a healthy lifestyle and proper precautions they can have a long lasting effect

Why choose Line plastic surgery for calf reduction:

Line plastic surgery has an excellent team of doctors with excellent procedure knowledge and millions of happy customers. As with every procedure there are some risks the doctors at line plastic surgery always tries their best to make sure no post procedure complication happens.

Before and After
PRP Treatment For Younger And Healthier Skin

PRP Treatment For Younger And Healthier Skin

PRP also known as Platelet-Rich Plasma is an anti aging treatment which is gaining popularity in the recent years for its regenerative properties. It makes your skin look younger and radiant.

Why PRP?

There are three types of cells in our body. Among them platelets are known for healing and rejuvenation. As with age people’s skin starts to get saggy. PRP injection can slow down that and tighten the skin around your problem area as it helps skin heal itself.

Once PRP is extracted from the blood and re injected into the skin the platelets starts its healing process on the skin. It works on crow’s feet, wrinkles, sun damage, acne scar, dull skin and fine lines.

How is the procedure done?

Blood collection and centrifuge: Doctor first collects blood of the patient blood and puts it into the centrifuge machine for spinning which separates the blood and plasma.

Injection with micro needling: Once the plasma and blood is separated the doctor collects the Platelet-Rich Plasma and injects it back on your face with micro needling.

Centrifuge Machine
Doctor Collecting PRP
Derma Pen

How it feels

Before the procedure your face will be cleaned completely and numbing cream is applied. So you should not feel any pain at all. The micro needle derma pen will penetrate the skin and help your PRP go directly inside your face and make it young and healthy.

Based on your skin condition doctor might apply special serum into your face to make the PRP work better.

After the procedure you might feel some tightness in the skin and might feel like you have very mild sunburn. The skin should heal completely in 3 days. For some people 5 days needed. You might have to follow precaution for a few days like avoid the sun, apply sunscreen and wash your face two to three times a day

Result of the procedure:               

As PRP is a non surgical anti aging procedure if it is properly maintained it can last from nine months to up to two years depending on maintenance.  According to many patients Its worth it. 

Result After treatment
Nose surgery as a Barbie Nose

Nose surgery as a Barbie Nose

[Nose surgery(rhinoplasty) as a Barbie Nose, it looks natural having fit in my face]

Sharp and well situated nose make your face look more 3-dimensional also classy. People, who have a flat and round nose, wear an emphasis make-up for their nose.
Not only a make-up, but also some kind of equipment and massage for the nose are used. However, it is too hard to change the nose shape, you have got born, therefore you are tired and stressed.That is why many women want to change their nose dramatically through nose surgery(rhinoplasty). If you choose nose surgery(rhinoplasty) to overcome your complex, as you know the customized consultant is important for processing the surgery.

According to Dr. Jeon, JeongHwan, the latest nose surgery(rhinoplasty) is preferred considering the balance of their nose rather than just high shape of nose. The high and just straight line shape of nose looks mannish or factitious due to the imbalanced in their face, so the trend is making natural line with each individual feature. The Barbie Nose Surgery, the latest preferred, is considered the best surgery for making perfect angle at anywhere and seeing naturally beautiful. It makes your face line from the forehead and the jaw beautifully and 3-dimensionally, also improvement of bimaxillary protrusion and smaller face.
The design point of shaping nose is connecting naturally with nose and nose tip and analyzing specifically. Scanning 3D-CT, before the surgery, is helpful for making sophisticated design and connecting natural line as analyzing exactly nose tip’s angle and height. It could be possible to make own shape of your nose with individual beauty not just like the same as the others. In addition it diagnoses the state of nose status such as a bone structure, cartilage structure and skin layer, in the safety aspect it is highly recommended.

Dr. Lee, SoYoung, the Line Plastic Surgery said “thorough diagnose and analysis such as scanning 3D-CT can possibly improve your surgery satisfaction”, “you should choose a well equipped and consulted with healthcare professional hospital”.

Source: http://news1.kr/articles/?1771468