The 22nd international aesthetic conference (XXIIas Jornadas Mediterraneas De Confrontaciones Terapeuticas En Medicina Y Cirugia Cosmetica) was held in the Melia Sitges Hotel in Spain from the 15th to 18th of May 2014. In this conference, more than a hundred of exhibitors in beauty industry and a thousand of beauty specialists, plastic surgeons and ancillary staff participated not only from Europe but also from all over the world.
On the first day of the conference, Dr. Cho, from The Line plastic surgery, gave 4 lectures on ‘Lower extremities contouring using thigh liposuction and calf muscle reduction’, ‘Mini-liposuction on love handles, saddle bags and medial thighs with one unexposed scar’, ‘Clinical meaning of Chanel Line Liposuction’, and ‘Facial contouring with RF assisted liposuction’. He drew attention from the participants introducing an effective liposuction method which makes the scar unnoticeable by the latest RF equipment.
After Dr. Cho’s lectures, Dr. Joan Fontdevila, chief plastic surgeon at Hospital Clínic de Barcelona, said “The technique of Dr. Cho is very interesting because patients nowadays already concern about the scars. In some countries like my country (Spain), they show wide area of their body at the beach so I think this skill is very interesting and I’ll try to apply soon this technique to my incoming patients for liposuction.”
Also, the Co-inventor of liposuction, Dr. Pierre Francois Fournier praised for Dr. Cho’s technique saying “Using long cannula is fantastic. It is very good. Not good. Excellent! ‘Good’ is not enough. It’s excellent!”
Dr. J. Víctor García Giménez, president of SEMCC (Sociedad Española de Medicina y Cirugía Cosmética) and director of this conference, mentioned how he has come to invite Dr. Cho. “I was already aware of Dr. Cho. I invited him because he is very famous in liposuction field and the technique he uses hasn’t been existed until recently.”
Then Dr. Cho added ”The RF equipment I’m currently using is the first-developed equipment by The Line clinic and its supplier so I assume it’s still unfamiliar to many people. This equipment is the most updated one amongst radio-frequency equipment and it is convenient for use. I think this brought me to the attention of the audience.
This Spanish aesthetic conference, which was held for the 22nd, is the biggest academic event in Spain. Dr. Cho was invited as the first Korean doctor and gave 4 lectures to international plastic surgeons for 2 hours.
The technique of Dr. Cho, who’s been already invited in many aesthetic conferences in Korea and Asia and acknowledged for his ability, is spreading throughout the world beyond Asia.