Abdominal muscles (Abs) are stated to be the best body figure regardless of age or gender. Everyone hopes to get a great body with great abs, however it is not easy to handle their luxury body figure in their busy life.
While they are only sitting in an office or class room, the body movement is decreasing then this makes your abdomen get fat. Also your nightlife or studying late with greasy foods and drinks will make more fat accumulated in your abdomen.
Even if you start to exercise, the fat will not be reduced easily then you could be frustrated. Especially the abdominal fat settles well and quickly along with other parts of the body. Normally you do muscle exercises once in 2~3 days, but the abs needs more exercises than any other parts to have nice and toned abs.
If a person does not have enough time to do exercise or the fat has been accumulated for a long time in the body, exercise is ineffective then you could get stressed. That is why people want to get liposuction to solve fat problem.
According to Dr. Seo, YongSeung in body contouring center at The Line Plastic Surgery, the abdomen is the best part when liposuction is applied except when it is visceral fat, so patient satisfaction and preference are really high.
Even with continuous exercise, the flank and back cannot easily lose weight, but, through Love handles and Corset liposuction, you can make smooth and sleek back line. Invisible scar is a great advantage of this surgery and, due to process through your tailbone or belly button, you don’t need to worry about the scar exposure.
The important things before the liposuction are you should get a rigorous analysis regarding thickness, position, density of your fat and check the visceral fat in the abdomen. Through all these process, state of patient’s body shape and the right area for the surgery can be figured out and adequate amount of fat can be effectively aspirated.
Dr. Cho,JaeHo at The Line Plastic Surgery said “Removing adequate amount of fat layer through ultrasound scan, without damageto the muscles and soft tissues,minimizes side effects such as skin irregularities”. “It is necessary to choose a right clinic which not only has advanced equipment such as ultrasonic waves and endoscope but also clinical experience and knowhow.”