Sharp and well positioned nose makes your face look more 3-dimensional and classy. People, who have a typical Korean nose, flat and round, use to wear a heavy make-up to make their nose look higher.
Beyond the help of make-up, people use some appliances or receive massage to change their nose shape. However, it is too hard to change one’s nose shape which you were born with. Therefore you easily get sick of it and get stressed because of it.
This is why many women want to change their nose shape dramatically through nose surgery(rhinoplasty). If you choose to get nose surgery(rhinoplasty) to overcome your complex, as you may well know,customized consultation is very important.
According to Dr. Jeon,Jeong Hwan from The Line plastic surgery clinic,rhinoplasty that reflects the whole balance of the nose is preferred recently to make it just high. Simply high and straight nose can look mannish or factitious due to imbalance in their face, so the trend nowadays is to make a natural line according to personal trait of each patient.
Barbie Nose Surgery, preferred amongst patients lately, is considered as a customized rhinoplasty that is like a nose of a doll and looks natural from any angle.It makes your profile line from the forehead to the chin beautiful and 3-dimensional. Also it gives an effect of improvement to protruding mouth and it makes your face look smaller.
The point of nose reshaping is to accurately analyze the angle of nasal bridge and nasal tip to connect them naturally.
Through 3D-CT scanning before surgery, the height of nasal bridge and nasal tip, and the angle of it are completely analyzed and it helps to design the nose delicately with natural connection. It is also possible to understand the traits of individual facial structure and create character which is different from others that you can have your own nose shape with your own beauty.
In addition, it diagnoses the state of nose such as bone structure, cartilage structure and skin layer that you can not only have customized surgery like Barbie-nose surgery but also highly safe surgery in the aspect of ENT.
Dr. Lee,So Young, from the Line Plastic Surgery, said “Thorough diagnosis and analysis such as 3D-CT scanning can improve your satisfaction about the surgery.”“You need to choose a well-equipped clinic where you can have a 1:1 consultation with medical professionals.”