A straight man’s nose line from the brow to the nasal tip gives you a charismatic charm. On the other hand, a flat nose could look rustic, and a hooked nose or a deviated nose looks too strong so your facial expression could be way too masculine.
Likewise, the nose is an important feature that affects one’s facial expression. In case of men, they choose a nose job to get a better job and for a better social life or to appeal to women.
This male rhinoplasty should be conducted through a complete consultation and diagnosis by a medical specialist. In fact, there are an increasing number of male revision surgery cases due to nose reshaping from lack of information. They suffer from side effects such as inflammation and contracture or they are dissatisfied with the nose shape which they didn’t expect.
According to Dr. Jeon, JeongHwan from The Line Plastic Surgery, nose surgery should be performed and considered with the balance of the whole face since the nose is setin the middle of the face. Especially, male nose surgery is different from women’s nose surgery in design and it should be reshaped focusing on its design that suits for a man’s face.
Unlike female rhinoplasty in which the celestial nose or barbie-nose shape is preferred, for male rhinoplasty, it is recommended to make a chic and manly image with a straight line from the forehead to the nasal tip. Also, as it reflects the whole balance and harmony of the face, you can see improved effects of a protruding mouth and small face.
If you go under 3D-CT scanning before the surgery, you can have an accurate diagnosis for a safe and customized procedure. The structure of the face and the nose in an aspect of ENT and the protruding mouth are exactly analyzed so that it cannot only improve aesthetic matters but functional things to enhance surgical satisfaction.
When it comes to revision nose surgery, it is important to diagnose whether the implant is rightly inserted, the nose makes harmony with the face, there’s any inflammation inside the nose or any contracture, etc. Also, the cause of the failure of the initial surgery should be identified beforehand to minimize side effects.
Dr. Chung, YooSuk from The Line Plastic surgery said “you should choose a clinic where medical specialists with ample experience and knowhow in revision nose surgery involve themselves in all processes such as consultations, operations, and treatments so a customized operation can be possible. Also, you have to choose where there is a safe anesthesia system and a specialized aftercare center for fast recovery.”
Photo Provider: The Line Plastic Surgery