In the summer sunshine, the street is full of many people who are wearing light and short clothes. If some people who have a slim and fit body figure pass you by, they catch your attentionnaturally. Then, people make their mind strongly about going on a diet, but other people are just depressed by them.
Liposuction is a “tempting” word to people who hate summer because of their lumpy thighs, sagging belly fat and dropping arm fat.Especially, in case their exercise or dietary therapy is not going well for their diet.People,who want to lose weight and improvebody lines smoothly or makebody figures fit in a short time, choose liposuction.
Liposuction can remove fat in a specific site or the whole body to make an S-Line. According to Dr. Seo, YongSeung at The Line Body Contouring Center, the best effective body part in liposuction is theabdomen. It is possible to have mini liposuctionin this site.In addition, the back site of the flank and back area line can be smooth through liposuction which is called Love handle and Corset liposuction.
It is hard to see perfect improvementsin the body only with abdomen liposuction. Therefore, you can receivethigh and forearm liposuction together. In case ofthe thigh liposuction, the operation willbe performed,centered on the inner side of the thighs and knees(which we call Chanel Line).It is not whole liposuction, but, there is 360〫liposuction to correct a body line and make a well-balanced body figure overall.
This popularized liposuction, but, if you do not consider choosingnon-safety and inexperiencedhospitals, it will cause several problems. However, many people ignore that they have to have enough information before the surgery. It is the reason why the consultation rate of revision liposuction is increasing.
The decision points of having a revision surgery is when people are not satisfied with results such as insufficient suction rate, non-changeable lumpy cellulite, sagging skin due to over-fat suction, adhesion phenomenon, etc., and‘Unchangeable body figure’ even after having liposuction. There are many people who want to minimize a huge scar and operation mark around skin exposure part.
Dr. Cho, JaeHo at The Line Plastic Surgery said “Processing liposuctionor revision liposuction,the most important thing is accurate ultrasonic wave diagnosisto remove enough fat layers without muscle and vessel tissue damage. It can minimize a side effect such as contour irregularities or skin laxity.You should choose a specialized clinic which has body contouring experience and knowhow as well as a high-advanced equipment such as an ultrasonic wave or an endoscope.”