Will Nanotechnology Bring New Hope for Stem Cell Therapy?

Will Nanotechnology Bring New Hope for Stem Cell Therapy?


The Ministry of Health and Welfare is expanding its support for stem cell clinical research, and funds will be used to link basic research with intermediate or clinical research. The goal is to commercialize research at an early stage.

“From the current research atmosphere and infrastructure, the government has judged that stem cell research is now maturing,” said Dr. Cho Jai Ho, Director of Lien Plastic Surgery Clinic

The potential of stem cell therapy has been shown in preclinical trials for the treatment of injury and organ replacement as well as degenerative diseases. After years of research, its clinical application has been limited.

Currently, there is no single stem cell therapy product or procedure. Nanotechnology is an emerging medical field, which has huge potential due to its unique size, surface effect, tunnel effect and quantum size effect.